From the Desk of KLM Studio. . .
Let’s be honest, 2020 has not been the greatest year for anyone! I am sure we can all agree that the one thing that came out of these unsure times of our lives is the feeling of GRATITUDE. One definition of gratitude is “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness”. I know that for me, I am so thankful for my family and my life. I appreciate what I have (material things, but especially relationships); and I am always trying to find ways to show my gratitude through kind actions. These are the things that I want to take with me in the new year! I hope we never forget how grateful we are for our family and friends and how precious life is. I pray for the people who experienced things this year that will alter the rest of their lives. I hope that everyone has hope for the new year and will always appreciate the start of every new day! From the KLM Studio family to yours, HAPPY NEW YEAR!